This post is beautiful! I don't know if you write for some magazines or journals, but reading all of this has been simply amazing! I mean, there...
Wow, I like it! Every model is a dino with some sort of rider, either a knight or a crew! Nice! Yeah, it could be risky to leave behind magic, but...
Hi @tappomarin ! Welcome to L-O: happy to hear another compatriot enrolling here and preparing to kick some Chaos butt :D Or simply collecting...
Hi @nine7six ! Well, fortunately this ability does NOT work only in your first turn: you can use it every turn if your Skink Hero is still alive!...
Thanks for the info! It's interesting to see how much the different races are played in different stores... In my GW the Destruction Alliance is...
That is one of the most badass post I've seen recently!!! :cool: Congrats, Killer! Those are well deserved points for our Grand Alliance! :greedy:...
Hi @baby_stega ! Nice list, I like it very much: I would be scared to fight against 2 giant dinosaurs at 1000 pts! What stagadon weapon are you...
Pretty solid? This is DA BEST OF DA BEST, you mean!!! :hilarious: I'm joking! As @Bowser said, @Wesley , two boxes are perfect. I'd give away one...
Yes, it could have been worse! But more than Saurus and Skink heroes, I think we need as soon as possible new Saurus and Skinks troops sculpts......
Guys, I'll use this current post to write a 2000 pts list I built yesterday: I'll edit it in a moment! EDIT MAX 2000 p.ts (Allowed: 1-6 Leaders,...
Probably the alternative could be what @InfamousBeany said: drop a Starpriest and add another Razordon/Salamander + Handler! I was also thinking...
Thanks for your answers! I agree with @Padre : units of 5 Knights wouldn't probably be the best choice in a 2000 pts match, and it'd be smarted to...
Thank you a lot, @Bowser ! Yeah, you are right, probably I'll have some problem with armies like Skaven or similar... Oh, well, at least my Cold...
Ok guys, I've just tried to come up with an army list I could use this summer for the Global Campaign. Before we go into detail, I have to say...
Yeah, absolutely!!! Thank you a lot, @InfamousBeany ! I look forward to anything related to Seraphon spells or artifacts... I believe somewhen in...
Hi guys, I haven't got yet the possibility to see the General's Handbook with my very eyes so I am here to ask you a simple thing: (briefly) how...
Thank you a lot, @Cristhian MLR ! This thread is wonderfully useful and awesome!!! :nurse:
My impression is... Skink handlers are UNBELIEVABLY expansive!!! :hilarious: I mean, come one, just 3 of those guys cost as half of a Skink unit!...
Seems a good idea, to me!
@Bowser couldn't have given you a better advice: I completely agree on what he said. If you already know you have some models you will never...