Well almost nobody is going to be directing attacks at anything besides your regular TG as they simply need to go down before the Slann can be...
Seems solid, if a bit dull. I don't think this'll provide the most interesting games known to man, but it could definitely work, though you might...
Yeah the 2nd list looks alright, Sallies are definitely not good againt Ogres. One way to make saurus viable fighters against an Ogre army is to...
Wasn't mounts free? A Cold One is a mount afaik :P On the army: Not really my style, but give it a crack if you want to. I'd get mounts for both...
Ah true, then I'd be tempted to go with 3 units of saurus or maybe 2 units of saurus and a Skrox squad.
A power level 5 bound spell like the Charm of the Jaguar is sadly not very good in 8th edition, though it used to be a superb item. I think you...
The Venom also has the benefit that you get to keep you parry save, so in all respects it's extremely cost effective. The Burning Blade of Chotec...
You're not going to be getting much mileage from the Divine Plaque on a Slann placed inside a unit of Temple Guard, so I'd drop that. Becalming is...
Almost feel like this is too early to be bringing in the Slann+TG, I think you would do better with a mounted Scar-vet general and a lvl 2 with...
I really like the list. Terradons are great in general, but even better in small games in my experience. I would consider changing the magic...
Well the TG have to be placed before characters so no guarantee against Pit. Your Slann is vulnerable to Dweller's aswell if the opponent just...
Well the 1 block pr 500 is just a way I like to go about it personally, you'll probably find plenty of people that disagree with it. The Temple...
What makes this ultra competitive? You're relying on 1 big slow block that can be roadblocked, redirected and Pit of Shaded to oblivion. Becalming...
Life lists are great, though they tend produce a little less on the offense compared to Light. What makes Life so good with Lizardmen is that is...
If you decide to let the Stegadon go I would consider changing the Slann's lore to Light, it really makes for some great synergy with Saurus...
No, I think its good. The Stegadon is really strong alongside with Lore of Life, just remember to take those wounds off everytime you cast spells.
Agree on the Salamander talk, going in circles.. Hm, Lore of Light gives you the means to deal with units you would otherwise not be able to,...
I think the Slann and the TG is feasible enough to bring to a 1500 game, but its right around that points value where it may be abit hampering. I...
What is this Ld 8 aura you refer to? you realize that only the Slann can be the BSB and General at the same time? Heavens is not a bad lore by...
This looks quite good overall, couple of small things I would consider changing though. For Leadership purposes I think you'll gain more from...