Oh, thats true actually, just looked it up. Never came up in my lists I guess. Anyway I do feel that you can skip the BSB at 1000 points, since...
The Scar-Vet HAS to be the general since he has the highest leadership, and thus can't be the BSB aswell. Skrox is one way to go in dealing with...
Many players like to bring "apprentice" wizards in their lists, for the extra depth in the magic phase and the option of another arcane item,...
One thing I can't help thinking about your Slann, is that he is pretty vulnerable to Dweller's Bellow/Death nukes/Pit of Shades etc., wouldn't...
Looks very nice. You could use the remaining 20 points on a Dragonhelm and the Venom of the Firefly Frog for your BSB. I would run the Priest...
The Burning Blade of Chotec is a solid choice, just add defensive items to bring him down to 2+ and maybe throw a luckstone in there. Gives you an...
Hm, I like it better. Would probably swap the champion in the larger Saurus unit for another Chameleon and run them 2x5. The list should give you...
I've tried the list out and I'm pretty sure I need to go horde. I kept the EotG and the Slann wegded in the centre with two groups on either side...
Re: Icebloods (1k Lizardmen Army List w/a little fluff) Awesome backstory, With this kind of deal I assume you have some kind of theme in mind,...
I agree with dropping the Plague of Dominion and Cogitation, you could probably use the points you free up to fit in a Scar-Veteran, should you so...
Looks like a nasty list. Hm, couldn't single sallies deny scouts just aswell? A bit more expensive than JS, but its not like they have no other...
Actually .... Does anyone know whether the Net would stop a Cauldron of Blood from working? I mean its not specifically moving, shooting or...
I've played 5 games in a row with Lore of Light, and not once did I feel like I was lacking good casting options, even without Mystery. But we...
Updated the OP with the new list. The Skrox are still up in the air since I don't normally think much of the unit. Its basically there to deal...
Yeah I'm gonna be running the Ethereal Slann for a bit. Might go with something like 3x24 Saurus + a Skrox unit. Temple Guard are pretty horrible...
Heh, thats not a bad idea actually. Main problem with Kroxigors has always been the relatively low amount of attacks coupled with WS3. Lore of...
Been playing this list for couple of games in a row now. And I'm definately including the EotG with the Light Setup. I think the Old-Blood vs....
I think this looks ok. I do think you sort of lack something that can really take a hard hit, there are units out there that would crush through...
I really like the way you equipped the Saurus characters, the Oldblood is almost invincible. Great offense on both of them aswell. Personally I'm...
Thanks. I think thats a bit oversimplified, the 6+ parry save is quite strong aswell, and you should consider the amount of damage absorbed aswell...