Thanks for the feedback, Well, I feel that with the way the spell selection works in 8th, Plahue of Tepok is not necessary. You can reliably get...
This was my thought process when I created the list: Versatility: The army is effective in every phase of the game making it possible to adjust...
Hello, I've been playing my lizardmen quite a bit these last few months, and after much experimenting back and forth, I've finally found a list...
I actually support your decision to leave out Focus of Mystery, as you will be casting a few key spells with Light rather than a lot of smaller...
I would probably go with sword and shield for your saurus block, should give you enough points to squeze another unit in there and meet the core...
Thanks for the feedback. I usually play against Dark Elves, High Elves, VC and sometimes Woodelves with a group of friends. The list is not...
Hi there. I'm a somewhat experienced Warhammer player and I'm looking to try my hand at lizardmen. I've played a few games so far with this list,...