To me, dynamic poses is a double edged sword; miniatures just standing there look boring, but too much dynamics usually looks silly. Worst...
First I saw the dragon's head and was like "wow, now that's a proper dragon!", but then I noticed the chest plate and other details... Ugh. But...
Please please please, I would love to read your experiences with the game! I only learned about this game when it came out and I'm very...
Cool looking swarm you got there. How about something like Hive fleet Apoptosis as in programmed cell death, or hive fleet Apophis like the...
I have been searching the eBay for Razordon models for a price I want for years without any luck. They always go over the GW prices. Postage is a...
I would love to try Kingdom Death: Monsters some day. I have seen some reviews and it seems utterly bleak and spirit crushing... and very much...
Why would that be a bad move?
@pendrake You can field two Nagash together with Slann and Great Unclean One. There are literally no restrictions. If I were to win, I would...
Hi, there! Great that you love assembling the miniatures, that's my least favourite part of this hobby. I'm also very envious of people who can...
Unless, you want to recycle your sword *yum yum*
If the value of rupees is anything close to the Indian currency, your carry limit of 999 won't allow you to buy a lollipop.
Yeah, I don't think it's the cold either. Just two weeks ago I prined in -5, with Army Painter, worked out beautifully. Never had the kind of...
I really don't feel comfortable with this, it's turning into a land slide and you are taking things out of Woogity's hands by creating "pre-order"...
Now that's how you make a cool poster!
@LGDarksteed The Colossi are actually those "large crocmen", the rider and the mount don't have a name yet, as far as I know. One does not simply...
That model is so much more intricate than the Lizardman Colossi, but all the details look super crisp, it's magnificent!
Not too late at all! And a great tip, thanks! I'll definitely try that, it's simple enough and looks great on black. If it looks even half as good...
@neveroddoreven Wow, exciting times ahead for us!
Thanks guys, this is what I wanted to know. And as always, great pic, @n810! What do you think is an appropriate amount of layers? These are...
Thanks, @Crowsfoot, but I need more advice on how to paint the highlights, not so much with what colours to use. I'll try to clarify what I mean:...