Hello all, I have been struggling for a while with the horns of my Bloodletters, but this question applies to all parts that combine different...
Thanks for the answers so far, guys! I would have wanted to mention the use of medium/drying retarder, better brushes and wet palette as well, all...
Hello, Lustria! I saw this kind of thread either on Reddit or somewhere else (hopefully it wasn't here, my Google-fu failed me), some time ago...
Wow, that Slann is beautiful! Such crisp and strong colours, very effective. The tentacles are well made as well, but feel a little out of place...
Ferocious! I love the T-Rex wipe it has, can't wait to see more!
I started with 8th and with Tomb Kings when they got their current book. I also started frequenting the Tomb Kings forum. That place was always...
He doesn't need to be balanced, though. He could be the Jason of the Halloween movies, or the bad guy from Resident Evil 2: if he catches you,...
I'm actually really interested to see how Rogue One turns out, it has great potential. Do you think we see Darth Vader in action?
Very good start, you have been productive. For a first-timer, you are doing great, especially the Stegadon is excellent. I also really like the...
Nice, I love the skin of the squigg, so vibrant! And the basing is gorgeous, the goat in me just wants to graze there...
Ah, I thought that restriction only applied to Australia and New Zealand. That's annoying.
I think Wayland Games has a free worldwide postage if you buy with 40£ or more. And the Start Collecting boxes are 40£ (so 83.3 CAD or 57.5 USD)...
Could be. I just remember it was NOT Shapeways...
@NIGHTBRINGER I don't have the box, but from what I have read, all the other boxes have all the sprues that come with each kit. So I'm very...
I still don't have a Carnosaur and would love to own and paint one. But I have enough Warriors and Cold One Riders. I guess I could try to sell...
Good looking Lizzies you got there! Especially the Bastiladon, great job!
Woogity uses commercial 3D printing company, not sure of the name. So that's why the quality is so great.
Great conversions, I will be excited to see what your paint-fu turns them into!
I guess you already got what you needed, but just in case you didn't, and don't mind wooden bases, Sarissa Precision makes all kinds of bases and...
Haha, those Santa pics are great and the Santa really looks the part! Merril looks like an old man already in that one picture :shamefullyembarrased: