I really your painting style of strong base colours and couple layers of striking highlights, I have always loved miniatures painted that way. I...
This should be stickied!
To be honest, I'm not familiar with the Apocalypse character, so I have no great expectations on that front. I was disappointed with the Days of...
So, @NIGHTBRINGER, are you super x-cited or absolutely terrified about the next X-Men movie that features Apocalypse?
I have no great feelings towards hats or beards, but this was just too fitting. Couldn't find the actual "motivational" version, though......
I like the Stegadon! But my Saurus are also painted with blue and orange, so I might be a bit biased...
Yeah, I agree, changing things is refreshing. My armies are the Lizardmen, Daemons and Necrons. Lately I have mostly been building stuff to get...
Great looking stuff! And you have been able to get a lot of painting done (although it's a bit all over the place... Dark Elves, Wood Elves,...
Great looking Priest so far, I really like how the yellow feathers play with the blue skin!
Damn, that thing looks like computer generated, super clean paint job!
I love those big birds, they look so cool and rhe paint job is amazing! Have a couple Spider-Men! :spiderman::spiderman::spiderman:
I have always loved the red Stegadon, and yours is a fine example of beautiful red-Steg! Love it!
The treasure chest sounds like a fun idea (although the local PETA would probably have something to say about stuffing a monster into a chest like...
I see what you did there... But yeah, proper lighting is crucial. Not just for you to see how the colours actually look like, but also for your...
Yeah, and then this is the god tier: http://www.destroyerminis.com/paintingeyes/
Ooh, I like that Daemon Prince! I got Bela'kor fairly cheap from Ebay, and was thinking of similar colour scheme, but with blue as base colour....
Interesting scheme, I would love to see how it looks on your models. And definitely try to get your girlfriend interested on miniatures as well,...
You are off to a good start, I like the colour scheme, and the Skink's skin looks really nice. It bothers me a bit that the scales and the shield...
Great looking Skinks, I really like the red on their crests. Painting eyes is an art form on its own, but with practice, you should be able to get...
Yeah, I have had a kit-bashed Scar-Vet on a Cold One in a back burner for quite long, but this just blows it away! I would gladly buy it as it is,...