Is this even Warhammer?
Thanks. In case we make anything out of this idea I will ask you to contact him.
Something brand new appeals to me a bit more. I'll search trhough the post and gather some ideas. I see no reason for me to be offended. The...
I'm more than willing to do the concept art, but would like to do it based on ideas gathered here.
Well, a Stegadon can do wonders too in that list.
The blue on the first one is killer. I would go in that direction, trying to add contrast either in values (go darker on the scales for example,...
Thunderlist adding Stega or even another EotG
This is an excellent community, I really hope we can make something out of this! If we manage to, I would love to draw and paint a few concepts...
What about the actual casting/3d printing?
Hi folks! I have recently started studying how miniatures come to our tables, from concept ideas to the final model. I was wondering if, as per...
This is a close one, almost perfect... Any ideas to make it sound more special?
Anything Razordon-related or list-related!
If you want to keep it strong but fun, there are several options, and most of them were hinted to in some way. First of all, pick the battalion;...
The battleforce is a more then excellent starting point, but as Crowsfoot said is not optimized and those units actually only work well if you...
Boy that hurts
16 razordons seem appropriate in this case to me, what do you think? :D
I love the Trog too, one of our best models. It does not shine in a list, but is one of my favourite summoning unit.
I prefer 40 skinks to the basti, still it looks like a killer list.
Congrats! You deserve it.
They are allies (don't have the SERAPHON keyword) and don't have points for matched play. Still, usually everybody is fine with playing them as if...