Another weekend update! I got 2 more knights done. Just 1 more left for my 5 (3 left in the start box though). [img] [img]
Looks great. Secretly I was hoping you'd try purple just to see if it really does work with yellow in practice, and I think it does. I like the...
This confused me as well, I didn't know where everyone was getting "Skink Chief" from, because I'm a brand new WHFB/AoS player -- will be...
My work space got kicked out to the garage at the beginning of the year, so i'm making it work! Thanks though!
:D Thanks for the laugh!
These are absolutely beautiful. Wonderful work on that Basti especially.
I was so angry because I had painstakingly finished the other parts of the model and pieces (did it in sub assemblies) and then that happened. Had...
Finished my first Knight last night, need to blend in the feet to the base, but otherwise done for now. [img] [img]
That's gorgeous. Is this a picture of one of your models?
The releasing agent that sticks to the resin has prevented primer/paint from sticking to my Forgeworld stuff. I know Duncan had a Blood Angel "How...
This and then a night Stormhost Silver highlight to make it really pop, would help add to the brightness! Alternatively, you could go for a more...
My biggest gripe with Resin (other than what you said) is the cleaning it thoroughly, and bad casts/warps.
Its odd because the complimentary color to yellow is purple, which.. would look interesting if you did more of a light purple than a bright/dark...
I want a feline race in AoS now.
Awesome, can't wait to see pictures! Would like to see how that turned out.
Any time! Let us know how it goes, maybe start a paint log to show your progress. Also, the WarhammerTV YouTube is fantastic for learning tips...
Indeed. Although, it usually only takes something bad or expectations-not-met once for me not to try it again. :p
I used a black primer for my entire Blood Angel army and had zero issues with coverage. Now I agree 100% with yellow, but I advised on going for a...
Fun is usually the point; however, I would say that is slightly different in a competitive setting. I hate playing against WAAC players in a local...
Hello there! Welcome. Based on your post I'm assuming you are new to the hobby and hopefully I can give you some tips. I just grab the SC box...