Update! Was out of the country. Finished my SC unit of Warriors, still got a few things to do (Details and touch ups) but was able to get them...
Didn't catch the rerollable 2+ save on the Guards. I mean, I know how to get the 2+ but need to find out the rule for rerollables too! Sounds very...
I'm right there with you. I have in-hand my SC box and bought 1 Skink box this weekend. Just lookin' for ideas! Thank you!
Great idea on the Carnosaur rider magnetization. Going to using that. What bits did you use to make your Scar-vet on Cold One? I'm hoping to do...
Sounds like a lot of work. Good luck! Hope we can keep you motivated.
Warhammer TV has 2 videos by Duncan (and another artist) on painting Saurus Guard/Warrior. I used it as a base for my scheme. Also, I think they...
This is so true. I struggled and wrestled with what army I was going to be pick when I started 40k years ago, and eventually realized that...
Thank you for this. I was just viewing in dropbox and thought I was just incompetent. :oops:
Beautiful color on those skinks. Very nice!
That's actually a great idea. Would probably have to kitbash a tail too though. :p
I agree! I believe it was worth the extra money to do the kitbash. Might not be saying that once I get more Knights. Got my Warriors based,...
Got my Seraphon Warriors pinned and primed. Started painting last night. Also got my amateur green stuff/clipping/glueing DE Cold One + Knights...
I think I'd actual buy a "Ritual" t-shirt at this point. All funds go to your paint log. :rolleyes:
Very cool, thanks!
Wowwwww that's... a great tip. Actually, speaking of tip, what size sharpie? Felt tip or actual "pen" tip? I'm assuming, white base, then a...
I'm actually liking this list. I'm brand new to Seraphon but.. having all those Wizard type units, then the giant Behemoth type units, then the...
Hopefully I won't need to many knights, the kitbashing will get expensive, haha.
I love GW's Chaos Black, but its so expensive. I haven't found a decent substitute. I think I'm too afraid to screw up my models more than saving...
Grabbed the last 2 Dark Elf on Cold Ones boxes at my local GW and a Skink Priest sprue. Think I'm done buying for a while until I get all this...
Very cool. Thanks for posting these.