That's the one thing that has put me off from 40k lately. The large amounts of high strength and low AP weaponry has made the game not fun for me...
I've yet built up the courage and confidence, and researched enough, to get an airbrush. It's on my list, still lots to learn with my brush for now.
I did mean "a part", indeed! I was on mobile when I posted that, fat fingers and all.
Making your opponent make bad decisions is sometimes better than you making good ones!
I completely agree with the above. When I learned to thin properly and how to make an easy reusable wet palette (thanks to TT Minions) my...
I heard really good things about the first Total War/hammer game, now the sequel (continuation?) is going to have Lizardmen? I might have to pick...
I bought a can of Corax White (GW White Primer), shook it for a couple minutes, wasn't humid or hot weather, treated it just like my black primers...
I love the model. I was hoping to just use the Starpriest model as both that and a Skink Priest. Not sure if that's allowed. Honestly, just...
I really like the Eternity Warden + Guard synergy, been looking to purchase those soon as well.
I had problems uploading as well, I eventually just used the link option instead of the image option, just make sure the URL path is .jpg (or...
That basing on the oldblood Carno is over the top and I love it! Probably would paint the rim black or brown, but that is awesomely awesome. Great...
I am building them to play and compete with. That's the short answer. I actually enjoy the building and painting aspects the most out of this...
Next question for anyone willing to share some advice (might be a lot of that in this thread as I'm learning). I'll be starting to glue up my...
I suppose so. I've based 1250-1500 points of Blood Angels and still have half a pot left of Armageddon Dust so you get a lot of use out of it.
Is it as easy as applying it, smoothing it out, and letting it dry overnight and you're ready to prime/paint? Or more steps to it? Thanks again...
I really love the look of that mini though. I haven't experimented with green stuff yet, bought one of the Citadel pots since I didn't know any...
Sounds awesome! Looks like that's at least 2 of the Start Collecting boxes right? Can't wait to get my first one done.
I noticed this as well. It concerned me a bit, even though I knew right away that the SC! box was probably the reason (also most reporting the...
I didn't know Azyr had launched yet, I saw it pop up on the app but I didn't want to purchase anything yet. How do you like it? (Off topic, sorry!)
Wow! I failed at using the search bar apparently. Thank you for the link! I will give this a read through tonight. ;)