It won't stay in plasticard, I'll greenstuff something there, but I was thinking to keep it simple and plain, no glyphs, but maybe i'll give it a...
WOW. Sorry Warden, but I'm stealing the idea of the Baron Samedi for one of my heroes. It looks amazing
This is the flagpole for the banner. At the moment it's pinned so I can take it out for storage and, in the future, for painting it separately (as...
Okay, I don't know how to add more pictures to the previous post once i posted it, so I'll have to use this one [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Saurus Astrolith Bearer (WIP) So, the reason to make this conversion is simple: I hate the GW astrolith bearer figure. Really. Look at his face....
Hello everyone I'm Nacho, and what I love the most about Lizardmen/Seraphon (and fantasy figures in general, especially those from Games...
Wow, thanks Aginor, for the summoming points clarification, i really thought any slann could do that. Now i understand why no-one plays a double...
Hello everybody This is my first post in the site out of the Introductions thread, but there is something that has been in my mind for a while...
Thanks all. I can tell you i have a lot of questions (and I really mean A LOT), specially about game-play, unit usefulness, probably not about...
Thanks for the warm welcome Yeah, i've been told that (that is more similar to 40k than fantasy), but I haven't started playing and I already...
Hi all I'm Nacho. I'm 34 years old, I'm from Madrid, Spain, and I play Tau in warhammer 40k and starting Lizardmen for the second time. Before I...