Agreed, on many above points. I do spend more of my time on the T9A forum right now, but I think I might spend more of it back here once the...
I did enjoy it back in 6th ed. when there were alternate lists, changing what options were available and moving things from Core to Special or...
@Sikeron thanks, that's really helpful! I'm using an air-drying modelling clay for now, and my assortment of tools includes a bamboo skewer and...
@Sikeron thanks for the info on the sculpt! I used FIMO as a kid quite a bit, and eventually started using Sculpey, but never tried...
Ditto the spirit heads. They take a well-sculpted, but otherwise basic, branch and bring it to the next level of creative, artistic and...
The Golden Itxi Grub? Golden Serpent very much follows the precedents of Daemon and Bat, and makes a good serious name. Jade Salamander works,...
@Rikard , thanks for all this Slann-like contemplation of where our community goes from here! What's helpful? I love seeing details of how...
Wow...I wish I had looked at this before doing my sculpting competition entry. I've also got a Chupayotl theme...but not nearly as detailed....
@airjamy ... To point #1, it's true that wiping out a unit of Skinks doesn't win you a lot of points. But it's also not hard to do, and once the...
Alright, I'm starting this because there's been debate raging on the T9A forum about whether or not the Cloud is overpowered, and I want to throw...
When I first saw that the Slann/Frog/Anurid had been renamed "Cuatl Lord" in the 0.10.0 SA book, I was a little bummed..."Cuatl" seems to come...
Well, for those of you who would like to continue the conversation about how we come up with names and the general feel of the book, I have indeed...
Alright, I've thought about this some more, and maybe I'm delving too deep, but hey, this is a nerdy game, right? I think the naming conventions...
I'm still in! Almost done with my model, but a later deadline works for me - maybe I'll add some terrain and other doodads.
I LOVE the idea of invented names based on Mayan, Nahuatl or Quechua, rather than Latin. It won't conjure an image in the mind of a European the...
That is beautiful. I think a gigantic great weapon in one hand would be great, and a back-mounted banner. But really. This is the stuff of...
Ah, I've just seen this now! We'll see - I said I'd be in for the last painting challenge, but didn't end up having time, but I've had some...
I'm excited! I, too, have been collecting parts for a temple for...10 years? I built a simple one years ago, but it's way bigger than 12x12....
Fantastic models! All beautiful and creative! @Crowsfoot, I LOVE the blended-in Chameleon.