Don't worry, we have second and third place for a reason!
An excellent piece of thinking, Nightbringer. My general approach is to go by strict RAW. If an issue is raised in-game, I want us to play...
Sorry to hear that, Rikard! I've been loving this thread, and have started sculpting with some air-drying modelling clay before stepping it up to...
Great, thanks for the recommendations!
I like to paint in silence, most of the gives my brain time to process and decompress. Sometimes I call friends on speakerphone and...
I painted up some Skinks with a nice camouflage scheme and used them as Cham's in a recent game...but they blended into the marsh so well that I...
Hey sculptors, What is your source for Green Stuff? Citadel? Kneadtite, or whatever it's called?
Yup, pretty sure that's it - when two things happen simultaneously, player whose turn it is decides the order of resolution. Also, I love the...
Why does this not surprise me? Eastern MA is too busy watching the world revolve around it. ...maybe it's obvious that I live in Western MA...
Saurus debates aside, here are my issues with the rats: Between the Doomwheel, the HPA, the Dreaded 13th, the Doomrocket and the Warp Lightning...
Yeah, I'd look at Orcs 'n Gobbos too, and the Big 'Uns upgrade - making a unit more elite, but remaining in Core. Of course, they only get to...
How about Kroq-Gar steals Teclis' staff to become Incarnate of Light, making all Lizardmen permanently WS10 I10? I like that idea.
I'm going to wait and see what happens in the coming days before getting too into this, but I certainly have some ideas. Ditto. Skink Chiefs...
So, we're at: Incarnate of Death: Nagash Incarnate of Life: Alarielle Incarnate of Shadow: Malekith Incarnate of Light: Teclis (probably? Is this...
I like auto-wound on a 5+, D3 Wounds on a 6! That makes a lot of sense to me, as it both maintains the assassin-sort of character that he is, but...
Yeah, the fluff tends towards over-the-top...even our Skink character's fluff tries to make them seem tough and deadly. So Slann created as...
nyik nyik nyik nyik nyik nyik NYAK nyik nyik nyik nyik...
Yeah, I agree with what's developing here - that Saurus are either overpriced, or are priced correctly but fill no helpful role. Some kind of...
Quick note, though - if you Vanguard, and get first turn, you can't charge...which leaves your Rippers vulnerable for Enemy Turn #1. Also,...
Yup, haven't done it yet, but have the OK from my friends to have Skink Chiefs on Terradons and Rippers join the appropriate units. Any...