Okay so, today I ended a six month losing streak against my friend. It was also my first time playing with my Dread Saurian. 1500 points, and we...
Yup. Math can be super hard. :P I sent him a message, he was super apologetic. We had a really good laugh about it. It also ended my 6 month...
Yay!!! Finally got to play a game with my Dread! I won, sadly the dread died on turn 5, but his death secured the win and he took out 700 points...
Hahahaha. I didn't even think about it in that way. And no, we never had any unique terrain pieces to lose.
New Battletomes have faction specific Items, Command Traits, Abilities, Faction spell, and Warlines,(?) Large Battalions made of smaller...
Yeah. We debated a long time trying to figure out how to do it. We finally settled on thin wire, florist tape, white glue, and static grass. And a...
Small update. No lizards sadly, hopefully tomorrow. But the GF has done more trees! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I thought this same thing when I first started. Since I sucked at painting and anything besides stick figures. But with some time and effort you...
Welcome aboard!
Welcome to Lustria! Can't wait for you to get some hobby time and show us your work!
Thank you. I have a couple lists using the new models and I dislike using grey/black models, so I had a lot of motivation. :) Thanks! He is...
And now the Kroxigor are also done!! So that means my epic Christmas haul is painted! It onlyet took a month. :P [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Thanks Bowser! My girlfriend also finished her Spirit of Dirthu! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] In less exciting news I also finished my Razordon. [ATTACH]
Say hello to Abe Scariensis! Who with a touch can see somethings past, present, and future(Don't worry about fingerprints, he's never really had...
It was a long and busy weekend! I finally got a chance to sit down and paint. I am working on the starseer's palaquin. A little more work to do...
I will be painting my Starseer next!
Chalk another model painted and unbased to the list! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Lord Kroak with his faithful (Lizard)Manservant, Argyle!!
Shade drying upload time! I started on the Warden. He still has some nook and cranny spots that I missed and discovered during the shading process...
This is absolutely stunning and gorgeous! Excellent job. That base is so fun!