That would actually be a fun future update to the Seraphon battletome. As your artefact let an Oldblood on foot take the Gauntlet.
Now that is your stretch. Tbh though, ignoring -1 rend is really good with a "Shield" instead of getting d6 shooting attacks :P
You should be able too as long as you use the Oldblood on foot rules. Just say that He is an Oldblood either way. Whether he is on or off his...
Hahaha. That is okay.
No paint guide. Just trial and error to match what I saw.
I figured that is what you meant. In their paint scheme it's Abbadon Black with edge highlights of Sotek Green.
If you haven't download the AoS app from GW it's free and will show you a few of their paint jobs. Might help you out.
That is what happens when you are one of the first to get a new book in a new edition. Really good at release but GW needs to learn to control the...
It's really good. Only downside is that it is for larger 2k or more point games. Here is a post for the ones in the book...
That would be a solid way to start out. And it looks like you have done your research. The thing is that the Carno is designed to deal with big...
That is an awesome theme and idea. I can't wait to see how everything turns out.
That sounds like a very fine place to gaurd! :D
It is a quicker game. 1000-1500 points is a typical casual game. Cool. I look forward to seeing them
Hahaha! Does the Snozeberry Juice taste like Snozeberry juice? They kinda are in Tribe. In 8th ED it was more of Temple-City-States lead by a...
Greetings! Hopefully we can help you with any questions. Try AoS, it's not everyone's cup of tea but you might like it.
Very nice Carno! I love the mouth, blood effects just belong on this model. It's funny I just saw your post on the Tabletop Minions showcase on...
Thank you. I am really glad with how they turned out too! Thank you for the advice. I really like how the fins turned out! Great idea!!!! I...
:wideyed: Holy Hell! You are right. Now I have the need to paint a Tetto'eko as Abe!
Salamander MK. II Added more blue! Painted a bit of armor I missed on nose. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]