I bought them from a chain stores called, Hobbytown USA. The brands are Walthers SceneMaster (a local product) and JTT Scenery Products. Thanks....
And here is the final product!!! [SPOILER] Better photos are to come soon. The lighting in my room sucks.
Wow! I can't believe I have made it to six pages! Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement! They have helped exponentially! I...
Good job so far! Can't wait to see more. I will echo the previous statements. Shades and Glazes are a painters best friend. Or as my gaming group...
It is a valid tactic. What you do is use multiple, alternating units. One unit charges in. The other retreats. This stops the counter charge and...
Hahaha! Welcome to Jungle!
Well. I figured it was time. Here he is. The great Slann Pol'y'Toad!!! [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
One last update before I pass out for the night. This time it's something a bit different... So here is an intro for my Army on Parade. [SPOILER]
Woo Hoo! I love it when I get more time to paint!!! I just need to get the crew done and do the dreaded triangles.... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Just a small update today. Didn't get much time to paint so this is still a major WIP [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Hahaha. Thank you. I am glad that you two enjoyed it!:D
That was actually a complete coincidence. We noticed it when we were uploading the photos and are very glad others got a laugh out of this as...
So this has been an ongoing joke at my LGS. It started when I was just beginning my journey into this hobby a few months ago. I and some of the...
Yeah. Once everything is done and painted I am getting a matte finish and spraying everything down.
And now for a bit of a look into the next project that I also started. Mostly because I was having fun, and had an idea late last night that I was...
Finished the last Flyer this morning. I plan on painting the riders later tonight sometime. Theta [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Second Unit Group...
The formations really depend on your playstyle. With the SC Box convert one knight into a Scar-Vet on Cold One this would give you firelance, very...
Hi all! So I started on a new batch of flyers today! Still have one more in the unit to paint as well as the riders but I have D&D(Technically...
Hi! Welcome to the forums. About the Warriors, if you run them in a horde I recommend Spears, while you lose one on the hit you gain an inch of...
And questioned why I was rolling 7 dice. :P