Looks neat. I'm trying to do something more or less similar with my lizards too -- looks like most of the work is probably just in the layering?...
Welcome back! Looking forward to any shots of your army you might have.
There are some cool dino minis out there too: Big lists of them:...
Its pretty cool to see your skills improving over just a few photos. The progress from the warriors -> krox -> heros is great!
Yep, key would be to take pictures of the models you care about. In case of a disaster (or a godzilla-like pet smashing your minis), you at least...
Personally I'm finishing up my models for the competition, and have a conversion ready for the open category and am midway through painting my...
Really cool stuff here! How did you do the space effects on the staff?
I have to second this, and probably in this order too. Also if you're painting a single character or something, I prefer to stick it into some...
Looks like you also have some greens that might work too -- maybe a green flesh and blue scales? The reds described would look cool as warpaint or...
Awesome man, thanks for the tips!
That's the hardest thing about this hobby -- it's so easy to get hooked back into it! Welcome to the forums.
Hey welcome to the forums. Best place to get started in my opinion is the 'Getting Started' boxes from GW -- it starts you off pretty well for a...
Wow inspiring stuff here. Huge fan of the trog conversion you did. More than the monster itself, I think the guy with the lizard cape is badass....
I like how the scheme is coming about. How did you do the purple for the top spines, as well as the scale colors?
Welcome aboard!
Alrighty, finished conversions for both the open and Lizardmen categories! Now, for the hard part -- taking and selecting the perfect photos...
Hello, First off sorry if this is in the wrong spot here -- wasn't quite sure where to post general questions. I'm starting to make progress on...
Nice contrast color there, almost looks like a salmon red/pink? When there's a big contrast between two colors, I typically like to lighten the...
Personally I've been looking at KR multicases. They have some prefabs on how to fill their cases with specific lizardmen loadouts as well....
Hey welcome! If you're looking to start the seraphon and have eyes for the Carnosaur/Trog model, I'd suggest the 'Getting Started!' box for the...