Throw a Dread Saurian at it. Done the rolls, it can get dicey if you lose the double turn but the dread saurian will kill it in 1-2 turns...
Ok, I will make a quick white back drop sometime later today and take some updates pictures. I'll also put the converted old blood on foot in....
Recently bought a lot of mini's from a guy. The colors were meh wasn't a fan but didn't care too much. Paint started chipping though and that...
I loved necromunda's rules. Hated playing as the gangs, but I am super excited to play as either my grey knights or deathwatch much cooler than...
I can get the bastiladon for about 20% off (so 12 bucks off), again I have so many warriors I could run a sunclaw and have a 30 saurus blob of...
Would rather get updated knights and saurus. More saurus that look like the new Oldblood, and Cold ones that are at least on par with the Dark...
Here's hoping when we get an update we get Kroq-Gar so we can actually field a large dinosaur that isn't a FW only model and has some relevance...
Once we get a battletome giving us our own allegiance (like stormcast) we will be fine. They seem to be doing it in order, Chaos got one...
So up until recently my lizards have been fairly lacking.... until now! I recently was able to purchase, Which is I haven't been around! Been...
The cowboy is amazing and he always does work for me. Plus at 100 points he's easy to fit into most lists and incredibly easy to summon in.
That's really cool! Hope they bring back some of the oldies from WHFB like Vlad von Carstein and give him that Living Legend perk via his ring....
Bloodborne it doesn't matter but Bloodletters destroy our infantry if they're running a horde with a bloodsecrator due to all the mortal wounds...
I wouldn't use them to hold objectives, even with summoning you have cham skinks that can teleport in if you need it that bad. Guard are always...
You lose the bonuses as they drop below the #'s needed. However they should manage to take out a few things before losing all of the bonuses.
Can't believe the dread saurian is 400. Legit Kroq-Gar is 320 and is definitely not an 80 point difference. So big win there if you have a dread...
What I would love is if our artefacts aren't artefacts, but named heroes from the old edition (Kroq-Gar, Gor-Rok) with better stats, and a higher...
Run a sunblood to give the guard block free hit rerolls
You can make the engine stable if you have a slann, and a starseer. I prefer the sunfire thrower stegadon because it deals with hordes really well
Mortal wounds would be a real pain for you, as well as anything with a 3+ save live lording against the skinks. For sure you need to run a priest...
I am definitely going to try the starpriest with them. That and mystic shield might be what I'm looking for! Thanks The thing with Varanguard is...