I think this point is the key of the question. If You need yo know a spell yo give Up calle It.
Ok, now I understood. Skirmishes is another Game different than AoS. Sorry for the confussion.
Hello everybody. Today I played a new game and my opponent has made me doubt about the two endless spells that we usually use with the Seraphons....
Analasing all your andwers, It's a good idea to assembly a Troglodon, mainly because is cheap to summon It and because is a "psichological"...
Very good spell!!! Thanks
Hello. I am new so..could you tell me what spell are you talking about? Thanks.
Hello everybody. Skirmish rules? What is this? Is there a thread that I can read about this question? Thanks.
Could anybody tell me how can I go to this thread, please?
Hello, evereyone. I need sone help to Paint Ripperdactyls. I want to Paint them exactly as the are showed in battleforce box, that is, red and...
I would like a link to a video tutorial. I prefer to start copying (I'm not bad at all doing this), and thus go learning techniques. :-)
Hello, everybody. It's painting time!!! I need sone help to Paint my Carnosaur and mi Rippers. I'm a rookie painting, but when I follow a video...
Hello, everybody. New question. I have bought another "start collecting" box. My intention is to assembly a Toglodon. Why? Because I like too...
Sorry again for mi English. What It means "IIRC"?
It sound great :) I told you later the result of the battle. ;)
Hello, everyone. I need some help. :) I need a list of 1500 points to face the Gloomspites. It has almost no big boy. Almost everything are...
I got it. I currently own16 Knights. I was thinking of buying with 10 more (26 in total) One of them to build a Scar-Veteran in Cold one. The...
I have thought about joining the FireLance Starhost Battalions to my army, but after reading this thread I have doubts. The question is......
I'm learning a lot in this forum. Thank you all very much!
Sorry for my English. What it easn "KoS", "DT/ZD"?
I will never summor Saurus. They will allways start on the table. I would like to start with, at least 20 Skink on the table. I will summor more...