Chaps, im looking at adding either one of these units to my starter set, which im using in a campaign against other armies with just starter sets....
At the moment we are restricted to the starter sets contents only, ill certainly look elsewhere when we expand.Luckily there is only one sylvaneth...
Thanks for the compliments chaps, it will be a pale sandy colour, im not sure but I suspect these jungle ziggurats are all limestone or they...
Bit more progress, nothing too exciting! Just going for a simple totem for the top. Will make a good objective. It's had its coat of PVA ready for...
Bowser I hadn't even thought of using it to get closer to stuff! Ive not even played a game yet, so I imagine it might go something like this:...
I dont make my own flock but it is apparently very easy!
Ta! Will post results when used :)
Awesome, glad I found this thread.
Where did you get these?
Wicked! Thanks for the replies chaps. I shall be: 1. Ordering some of those vines, where are they from? 2. Checking out the Mayan art 3. Most...
Hello folks, Ive only just started with AoS and joining a starter box only league in my local store. The special battalion thing that comes with...
Yes, that is the next stage. Cant wait til it starts looking awesome. Terrain is quite unforgiving as the results are slow to appear! Not much til...
Yeh, I chose lizardmen partly because I love painting and highlighting deep blue colours. I might do the stomachs and off areas a white colour,...
Cheers, I'm getting my starter set this evening, so I'll have painted models by the weekend I suspect.
Here are the first stages of my ziggurat build. Quite a challenge as I wanted to do separate blocks to add to the realism. This is only the basic...
Hello all, welcome to my blog covering the development of my lizardmen army and it's associated terrain pieces. I'll post progress as I go, c&c...
Bingo, thanks!
Also, my main opponents will be: Sigmarines x 3 Khorne x 1 Ogres x 1 Ironjaws x2 I guess there are tactics articles on here somewhere so if...
Cheers thanks for the advice. What ive got so far is as follows: Start collecting box - Carnosaur and Scar vet (can this be built in a...