Ruby ring protection specifically, and magic missiles in particular (most are flaming). It's not as popular as when wood elves dropped, but the...
Don't forget fewer rocks, too. 3d3 s4 can make a real mess of fast cav, elves in general and skirmishers in particular (I've crushed many a...
That one Skink is going balls deep.
Check here :D And here for Tournament news:...
Option 1 works better with a potion if strength and a dawn stone tbh. I've had varying success with that build although it can be situational (eg...
The Road to SCGT - Practice Game 1! So my first game was up against my old sparring buddy and his Warriors, this time run as a Legions of Chaos...
Looks a lot better imo . Just drop a couple of temple guard. Their power is all in the front rank anyway. What is it that you like about WD? You... Read it and weep. Latest implication is that...
My answer to all of the above is Fiery Convocation ;) But I do entirely see your point. In fact just before Christmas I played a one dayer using...
Hmm. Doable, but I'd then have to cut 4 points from somewhere. A core Skink, maybe. I'm curious to see what your thoughts are on the necessity...
Well, that won't add to the sentiment that Lizardmen are neglected at all...
It's worth pointing out that the SCGT comp is actively aimed at promoting "medium" power armies, and there are general power pool restrictions...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists Alright, here's my first pass at a SCGT list. It builds upon the lessons that I learnt at a 1 dayer in December, and...
Comp is up! The specific Lizardmen comp is: Honestly, I expected a lot worse. It's still irritating that the first mounted Scar-Vets and...
Haha well! I painted the lizards first, then used all the techniques I learnt to good effect on the Elves. Its also a lot easier to do silver...
Haha! In my defence my dark elf army looks nicer and is probably more powerful :p
Any UK Lizzies planning on attending the event this year? Would be good to put some names to faces! I'm currently trying to decide whether to go...
For what it's worth, Lizardmen were 7th in the UK for 2014 according to Bad Dice.. DoC, Delf, WoC, Empire, Helf, Ogres all ahead. Lizards are a...
Wow. I thought the formation was bad enough to begin with. But this is just insult to injury. "You have to take all this crap and ignore all the...
Just to clarify, I'm after the left over Dark Elf parts, not doing the conversion myself ;)