Doesn't matter when all three of those models are Daemon Princes of Nurgle on Death. The other 1200 points in that list would almost be...
Lizardmen won't get killed off. But what it could mean is that they start showing up across the Old World, transporting or raising new temple...
So this is now apparently A Thing, how do you see it affecting your lists? Will thw double Slann make a return? Wandering Deliberations and Light...
An Exodus doesn't sound right. Why abandon such a heavily fortified area?
Re: GCPD's Reports (31.5.14 No Slann vs Wood Elves) Played a game against the Wood Elves tonight with the new list. Did not go well. Three...
Those new models though ... :jawdrop: exciting times indeed, especially if this is the first of things to come!
Nagash has always been large. This one is just larger. And at 1000 points, I'd want a suitably impressive model.
I can understand where you are coming from, and if this was being set up as a permenant change (in other words, that god-awful Unbound system in...
The latest rumour flying around, now teased on the GW website, is that there is an upcoming campaign based around the return of Nagash. It's been...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists Apologies furiouscado, had a hectic weekend! You raised some good points, and I didn't really have anything to add as...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists I'm glad people have been enjoying reading my posts. Interesting list! Just a couple of things that I think you...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen Lists The thing with the BSB is that I'm reluctant to keep it on the Scar-Vet, who I view as a surface-to-surface missile:...
Full command for saurus and guard, muso and flag for skinks and a champ if intending to bunker, flag on cav with champ if running a bus but not if...
Re: GCPD's Lizardmen (Tournament list v2) So, I've been thinking about the list and I'm not altogether happy with it. As much as I love the...
Now, ordinarily, I'm a big fan of Blasty the Blastiladon. But he's just unreliable. At a 5 game event I cast his lazer beam at least once per...
2 attacks isn't really all that significant but, if you are that worried about it, just go 6,8 or 10 wide. Then you maximise your front rank...
Ohh I might have to steal this! I'd personally consider golden sigil sword with Dragonhelm and luck stone but either work well especial with Light.
Egg of quango, sword of striking, enchanted shield. Great Weapon, armour of destiny. Stubborn crown, biting blade, enchanted shield....
That's actually not a bad shout. Things I like about Gor Rok: T6, 2+ AS, re-rolls missed hits (huge for Lizards imo), Stubborn and ItP. Things I...
6" behind a Temple Guard block is ideal...