Hello all! Following last week's victory over the High Elves, we're doing a re-match this upcoming Saturday. Naturally, I don't want to bring the...
Change of plans! We're doing a Lizardmen vs High Elf Re-match! New thread coming up!
Hi all, Following last week's win vs High Elves (no pictures for proper battle report. Will change that this week), it's now time to face Orcs &...
Great news - the list was a success!
Thank you for the feedback. So the concern with the 30 man unit of Saurus is that I need to still hit 625pts in core. and I'm limited to 24...
haha ! yes! I like your feedback. I haven't realyl played a serious game with the Carnosaur, so that's why I'm a bit hesitant. But I think it...
I'm assuming you're thinking of playing AOS. If you ever decide to try 8th edition WFB, there are a few of us in the NY/NJ area that play.
Well, Magic The Gathering has Arena, and they sell cards there too - so you could sell some of the models. Like you give people enough core to...
Hi all, Have a 2.5k battle coming up against high Elves and I was toying around with 2 lists. Let me know which one you prefer and what changes...
I'm in NYC but I play 8th edition. : o \ If you're ever up for a game of that, happy to play/teach Welcome to the forums!
For 2k+, the core of the army you posted above is rather correct. Please note: not knowing your budget, I'll provide general direction only:...
Hey Relentless! Welcome to the forum and so great that you picked up 8th - the best edition (IMO, of course!) The two main items you need for 8th...
The jungles of Lustria are inhospitable and having traveled through the World Roots into the outskirts of the Tlaxtlan, a Wood Elf army led by a...
I didn’t play back in 6th so I’m afraid I can’t be of much help. Good luck though!
Yes, this is the one with the Brettonian that I was referring to earlier.
Great feedback as always. Re: Skinks - i know. Soon! Re: Scar Vet - I like the idea of BSB, but I also need to adhere to 25% heroes. So Tetto is...
hi all, We're doing a mini-tournament here with friends at home. So that means small table (3x3), small points, small armies. The only rule being...
Thank you for the help inakue! Will look into these!
A quick and simple question: Can someone confirm the paints used for Gor Rok's white, gray-ish color? Thanks!
Great stuff! So the Warrior of Chaos battle was interesting. For starters, it was the first battle so me being very new to the lizards, I played...