Thank you for the feedback! So for the Scar Vet on Cold One - I wanted to try out the Steg helm and it worked nicely actually. It made him hard...
Thank you for the respoonse! I don't have Salamanders yet in my collection, but do hope to add them soon. The group I played with wasn't ultra...
Hi all, So this past weekend, we had a great mini tournament take place in PA - I drove from NYC - and I wanted to share some of the highlights,...
fine... fine! I'll take the Bastilodon and report back after the tournament. hehe.
And to further that item: Any battles for Chakax, Gor-Rok or Tetto that you guys have re-created? Wit my Dwarfs, I've done the Belegar vs Queek,...
I totally see where you're coming from and trust me, as a newbie lizard player I'm of course assuming your statement as fact. Having said that...
I like playing fluff battles with my group and I put assembled my Carno as Kroq Gar with the intention of fielding him one of these days. I just...
Quick question: I read one several threads on this site that most people don't fully recommend taking a Bastilodon on a WD Slann list because you...
Thank you for the feedback! re: Skinks - Unfortunately, that's all I have (for now!) Re: Armour for the Suaurs, I like you ideas, I'm going to...
Hello all! Looking at playing my first tournament with the lizardmen after spending most of 8th with Dwarfs. Here's a potential list. Looking for...
There was also one about the Brettonian paladin... can’t trmember the name...
Hello all! Thinking of attending my 1st Tournament with Lizardmen. I know, a bit crazy - I haven't played too many games at all with them. Dwarfs...
I've been thiking about it. I have all the equipment from my "day job", so it's just a matter of doing it. What I've found is that I don't get to...
Decided to keep the TKs. But they'll be moving down to where my family lives (I get to visit them for about 1-2 months total every year), so I'm...
Hey sir! thank you! that really means a lot! I've been lucky that my WHFB groups have mostly followed the "fun, yet competitive" approach to the...
Absolutely! I'm not getting that much $$ b/c he's a friend, and I'm more about space and the ability to start a new army than $$. Luckily, he had...
I love the TKs - I just live in NYC and space is a luxury. Both high Elves & TKs are going, and Lizardmen are coming in. So future reports after...
bad news though - Tomb Kings are being sold to a friend to make space for Lizardmen. :(
Hello all! Wanted to simply say "hi", as I'm going to be adding Lizardmen as my 2019 army. In case you're unfamiliar, I post regular 8th edition...