Anyone else thinking that it might be a fun and neat trick to trick out an old blood with the Arabyan Carpet a great weapon and a defensive item...
Krox are great, units of 3,4 and 6 are solid and can be a great tool in the chest. If you want a no saurus list (ie Southlands Style) then a block...
Good list all round, give it a whirl.
The way I see it, Skrox and Krox are there for charging things that need to charge; namely heavy cavalry and chariots (and Stegadons as well I...
In a monster mash list I would really consider using Heavens on those skink priests. The signature spell is a really good tool in the arsenal for...
I usually throw in a couple extra bodies beyond the one rank, yes it is expensive, but it has worked for me. When they get in combat, it is a...
welcome back to warhammer and to Lustria. I too have recently returned from hiatus, i think you'll find that this community is a really excellent...
I'd just like to point out that having a cold one unit with an extra rank you are far more likely to be able to break steadfast on a unit with a...
Re: Caneghem's Review of the New Lizardmen! COMPLETE Excellent overview, I found it most useful.
Well Lustria-Online, it has been quite some time. I think maybe the last time I contributed to the site was at the turn of 8th. Some of you may...
In terms of making really fluffy "story of the battle" Deamons, Warriors or Skaven are all great and the games are usually a lot of fun as well....
Well, we will be after these armies: Wood Elves, Brettonians, Dwarves, Empire, Vampire Counts, Dark Elves, High Elves, Deamons, Warriors of Chaos....
Well, I was right about Wales beating Ireland, but France were a team transformed while England were even more prone to mistakes and rather quite...
Indeed, a NZ without Carter is a NZ without the Hakka. Also, write Argentina off at your own peril, they are spoilers, never gonna win the tourney...
Some of the England players definitely should be booted from the tourney, I heartily agree with that and Johnson did no favours to himself in the...
So the knockout stages are upon us and the line ups are as follows: Ireland v Wales . . . . Wow! What a match this one will be. England v France...
Yeah, England seem to have this habit in Rugby of not playing particularly great but scrounging through for the win. I put most of that down to...
@strewart Tonga are in the worst pool, along with Canada and Japan. None of them will get through as New Zealand and France are in there. So all...
So, who's been watching/following and who are you supporting? I've been watching everyone and been ecstatic with Canada's upset over Tonga, also...
It looks like it might be a Gor-Roq character, don't think it is as it would have been mentioned by now. The axe/hammer type weapon along with him...