I think you need a few changes to that skink chief, being all alone like that he is liable to get turned into a pulpy mass really early on. I...
also, I should think you got your targets mixed up for the sallies and the stegs. A salamanders shot against marauders will kill 11-12 if you get...
Yup those are Ushabti, they're getting S6 bows as an option now.
heh why not. Keeping inline with the 'undead robots of the future' type motif and aligning with the 'Ancient Egypt in Space' idea the flyer with...
Don't remember where I heard this so its grain of salt time (as per usual with rumours) but it was mentioned that the giant Sphinx was NOT in the...
Having actually given the new O&G book a real proper read through I discovered something that might be a sign of something to come for the Tomb...
the three top rumoured dexes coming out are; Tau, Sisters of Battle/Ecclesiarchy and Necrons. Most people seem to be thinking that a mid/late...
It was a good game, and a lot closer that it may have looked at the end, I had my big block down to less than half and two horsemen units down to...
well, thanks in no small part to this competition I am heading off to a doubles tourney today with some (not very well) painted minis that...
Heres a couple thoughts I had about this. 1) make the first slann ethereal, to do this drop either Cogitation (not my preference for this) or the...
That Skink Priest can be useful, heavens is not a horrible lore and the default spell can be handy to toss out there to get the opponent to think...
yes it does strewart. At least I am fairly confident it does. Plus the signature spell can be taken by multiple casters as well.
each unit has to test on its own I believe but with a steg charging in the flank you've probably bumped your own combat res by a good portion (a...
Elite infantry needs to be hit hard or from a distance. That being said we're looking at a couple things. The first being Stegs, the impact hits...
I'll quote from the book here so this would suggest that the model must still be alive and therefor one can not resurrect dead Temple Guard.
hmmm, it sounds like a stubborn causing item. Perhaps it grants stubborn/steadfast to all friendly units within X distance, most likely 12,...
really? I have always been under the apprehension that it was Teclis who had to meet the casting cost. Learn something new everyday.
Server name: novatomato Army you plan to play: Warriors of Chaos Time zone: GMT - 5 hours.
well, Chakax has what can be described as a great weapon. Aside from that no. is all hand weapon or spear.
rammramm, could you perhaps enlighten us as to the nature of your gaming group? Is it a group of friends, or a club? Are you going to tournaments?...