I am in agreement with Arli in that Chameleon skinks should be priority number 1. This is the order in which I would try to get stuff. 1. Chamo...
I picked up a IoB and choose Skaven, which was great cause I knew a guy who picked up IoB for the Helves, a switcheroo later and I had a ton of...
nice looking Chakax sevens. Yes the ROgres are 40mm based, I would have my pictures up but it would seem I no longer possess the cable with which...
Only one dwarf and one empire? so your steg is gonna be pretty safe from warmachines unless you get a bad draw. You do not really need the...
alright, let us assume that there is absolutely NO comp whatsoever. The question then becomes, How many builds are there that can, not taking...
well, finally finished some of my minis. Tomorrow I'll have to upload the pictures due to a problem in the camera cable department, specifically...
nice base strewart.
I am currently working on one unit of 30 clan rats (full command) and a unit of 6 Rat Ogres (one pack master/master moulder). should have some...
eh, busy week is right. Damn it all I have the week end free though. (except for the small matter of the FA cup fifth round) so I should be...
you can get +4 to combat res from that scenario. +1 for flank and +2 for rear as you said, but also +1 for charging.
Delvan Mud, Badab Black, and Thraka Green. The holy trinity of washes Anyways, I had hoped to have been able to pick up my miniatures from my...
GW have confirmed the release of the Tomb Kings in May. Best thing about it is the confirmation of them redoing their model line.
The Khornish Flesh Hounds? I've seen a couple conversions using those, they didn't look bad either.
I like it much more than the first, however I still think you've got too many points in characters and not enough in your core. We have one of the...
Had a couple games with my skaven. Real fun wackiness. I ended up shooting one warplightning cannon only for it to misfire, go wildly out of...
hmmm, there is quite a bit about this list I'm not quite fond of. For starters you should really get the Charmed Shield on your Carno-Lord. He...
Re: The Rise of Xaxlachaq - A Blog UPDATE: 2/1 Absolutely fantastic conversion and paint job.
Thanks for clearing that up Gor-rok, I guess I was thinking it gave Heroic Killing blow or something.
I have only faced Ogre Kingdoms once and I'll tell you all I know. First of all skinks are awesome against Ogres of any variety and should be...
True, true. You make excellent points Strewart.