This is absolutely wrong, they are on the expensive side points wise but they are still a very good unit, people just seem to be too lazy to...
With the skink priest I'd give him level two and the Plaque of Tepok, then stick him in a minimum unit of jav and shield skirmishers. This way he...
no problem. Have you considered the Sword of the Hornet for the Champ? he'd be Always Strike first at S4 (no halberd) and also have a 3+ armour...
Re: Temple Guard in 1250 point army in all honesty I like the Temple Guard as a stand alone unit without the slann they are still WS4 S5...
I don't like the idea of dropping the chief personally he is just a really good set up and one I might steal at some point, but yes you could...
hmmmmm. This is a very intriguing cerebral exercise. If you drop the one skrox unit, the chameleon stalker and two skink handlers (one from each...
Yup, Cold Ones count as a mount with Barding for the armour save. Plus scaly skin and a shield the Cold One Cavalry have a total of 2+ armour save.
Ugh, ma 'ead ma achin 'ead. Just kidding, constitution of a yak is what I've got, haven't been to bed yet (1:27pm EST) and still going strong, too...
Just a little nit pick. That scar vet must be an Old Blood. It's not a bad list and if it works for you keep with it as a tournament list but I...
sounds a good plan to me.
I fail to see a reason why not. But if it is going to be so, in the name of balance, do not let those extra attacks generate more extra attacks....
one thing to keep in mind is that you will not be getting rank bonuses for any unit that has less than 5 models in its ranks, and no steadfast...
Some of both is always a good choice. In my current list I'm using for upcoming tournaments I have a unit of 20 with hand weapon and shield and...
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. (But I am a citizen of Great Britain, Dual Citizenship is great)
hmmmmm. I would really like to see a second stegadon in the list for some added hitting power which I think this list is seriously missing....
The FAQ is a little ambiguous in its wording (or lack thereof) and I initially had read it to be solely a mount. On second thoughts, and third...
yes I suppose that is true, but if I have a unit that close I'm going to be wanting to put it in combat anyways (which stops it from shooting...
*EDIT* warning long winded ranting The game of Warhammer (8th edition) does not lend itself to be a good design for tournaments unless everyone...
I guess this is what makes me think its only a mount Q. Does a Horned One count a magic item for rules purposes, or is it only a special type of...
Just making sure you knew (although I'm not really sure why I even thought it would be possible for someone not to know). Although, now looking...