Getting back on topic, besides magnets, is there a way to make a transport case with household materials? Those carrying cases they sell cost an...
@Crowsfoot I'm imagining someone carrying one of these tins filled with hundreds of dollars worth of resin and plastic [IMG]
Have you tried stripping a resin model before? Got any tips or can you link me to a tutorial?
@Crowsfoot define extra care? I was just gonna soak em in paint thinners or nail varnish remover and say abracadabra.
@Nart has summoning been successful in your 1k meta?
@Crowsfoot so resin models should be 100% redoable then since they use superglue?
I made a thread last week for 1k lists and there are a bunch of suggestions there from glass cannon shadowstrike to saurus horde list....
Do you guys have any tips on how to strip paint and unbind superglue and plastic glue?
@Crowsfoot NOW IT MAKES SENSE. NO ONE TOLD ME TO HIGHLIGHT UP TO WHITE T_T With regards to highlighting, I do drybrush the back scales of my...
@Crowsfoot here’s the link: [MEDIA] Granted, he painted blue shade on blue base coat so it doesn’t look bad at all. So you’re only supposed to...
@Crowsfoot the warhammertv guy applied the shade to the entire model. I may have rushed it when I was shading this model and the shade dried...
Hey guys, I finished painting an eternity warden whose flesh is colored white. I then applied nuln oil all over the model to hit the nooks and...
@Killer Angel I did not know that they lose the hit bonus if the horde gets thinned out. I just assumed that as long as they start with the horde,...
@Aginor my bad. When I said rippers based list I meant to say deepstrike (it was just that a lot of the deepstrike 1k list I saw has rippers)....
@Aginor with all their utility, do you still think chamos are worth taking in 1K? I'm on the fence between them and regular skinks (they look to...
Why won't this list be competitive? It's using the same strategy as the list you gave with the 4 razors with the advantage of more wounds at the...
Will they be actually playable heroes in matched play?
Lmao rippers aren't necessary it's just that in my last thread everyone was saying shadow, thunder, and 1 drop fangs are the meta builds for 2k so...
@Aginor I was planning to put 10 chama skinks in my 2k and 5 in my 1k. The plan was to use them as secondary assassins with my rippers in 2k...