Remember that Vanguard happens before the roll for 1st turn. Generally, the rules are kinda murky regarding whether or not a vanguarding...
Yes, and Yes. Pretty awesome, right? Gah! Well you can tell how often I've used 'em without Terra's then, can't you? ;)
Bumps received for mounting a Chief on a Terradon: Highest Toughness (Terra's 3) Highest Wounds (both have 2) Fly, Flying Cavalry (gains Feigned...
First I voted mixture, then I changed to '8th unchanged' based on the comments that 50/50 is now part of the main rules, which I agree with....
Sorry Mook, but Agrem is completely correct. You will not get the benefit of the Enchanted Shield whilst in combat as long as that character is...
First off, I'd like to say that I didn't vote on this thread - and for a while I was hesitant to read it. As it continued to gain posts I decided...
As long as they are all part of the same unit - yes this is correct. Just the general rules for shooting from units, you determine the total...
The chiefs can fulfill a couple additional toolboxy roles (partly dependent on your list): Predatory Fighter Control - more likely to be able to...
For this event, is it still using the old 25% Lords/Heroes? Talk to us more about the list-building restrictions.
Right - but the Dragonhelm does exactly the same thing, and you can still keep your 1+ armor save even in combat whilst wielding your great...
One roll per Razordon.
Assuming that 'be brutal' means - 'what are the efficient choices?' As follows... Slann - Drop Ruby Ring. Arcane slots are super valuable in...
Hey Gang, So, I go away from this site (and specifically the painting section) for a few months, and come back only to find out that I've missed...
Hand of Glory - and the ability to show +1/2/3 (and possibly which stat or all relevant stats). I can often use the card, but showing the number...
I was a big proponent of Warmaster. I loved the system of ordering troops around using you heroes and trying to determine if a unit should have...
I know folks have linked you to the Cowboy build tactica, but very specific to what you're trying to do: Saurus Old Blood on Cold One - Armor of...
Looks good. I do want to point out something to you regarding your Chameleon plan: it may not work. On a typical 4'x6' table, place a building...
So we're talking ~60 Archers here (4 units of 15ish I'm guessing) and the 2 RBT's? That's some pretty solid firepower, for sure, and with great...
Mook, Consider your Conversion idea for the Priest stolen - love it! On the Cold One Rider, I too have been having similar issues regarding...
WL's are good, in fact really good. In the meta where I play they have been largely replaced by PG with the Razor Standard. Elf players in our...