I think I want to qualify my answer with a bit of a question...what is your goal for this Tournament? My answer below is going to assume that you...
Rettile really hit the nail on the head. I think the point is that there are plenty of High Magic spells that are worth swapping out throughout...
Any reason not to take 2 units of 5 Chameleons instead of 1 unit of 10? For what you have, I might prefer a Lvl 2 Heavens instead of Beasts....
Our army is comparatively slow when facing the likes of Elves (esp Dark and Wood) and Warriors (I'm thinking mounted-heavy builds here). This is...
There is currently no army book special rule that removes Steadfast - in any book. Other than the normal +1 ranks more than your opponent, it can...
This addition to this tactica is excellent. It really adds focus to the use of this awesome and unique ability. Good job finding this and adding...
I made a resolution to convert/personalize all of the models. I said no such thing about the movement trays or bases. ;)...
He would have to use his ground movement. This can be circumvented by having him hop from unit to unit each turn. The tactic works best when...
Thanks for the kind words. Orange definitely is my 3rd color of choice for this army, but I think my test subjects (even looking back on the...
So it's been a very long time since I've posted on here, and quite a hobby and tournament play journey. Feel free to read as I describe, or to...
Re: What are our best warmachine hunters in big games (3000p Regarding 'when to test for Frenzy' - my example is valid. You are only required...
Re: What are our best warmachine hunters in big games (3000p I would like to say that I generally disagree on Ripperdactyl Frenzy being a...
Exactly. Also, Lore of Undeath is starting to gain some real steam at the tournaments in my area. One of the favorite units to raise is...
I prefer efficient Terra Chiefs over the full Rider units. You have much more control over the Terra Chief, and are much more likely to get his...
Woogity, I would be interested in one set of 3. I will send you a PM, though I understand that, based on your agreement with your employer, this...
aha! good catch :)
I know this was the case with the last Lizardmen book. But since this current book has come out, there's no FAQ for Lizardmen (as we all know :/...
I think the point with the Saurus is - you make your oppponent think that they are a focal point of you battle-line - but that won't always be the...
On the 3k side of things, if you have the Saurus models built and painted, then I see value to them in your list. A unit of 20-25 can play a...
Hey heuningby, First time I've seen your list, and I have to say that I like it overall! In my test games, I am finding that my Cohorts and...