Desires For the Coalesced not to be hit by nerfs targeted at the Starborne. Point cost reductions for several of our large dinos. New rules for...
I had two games this weekend with a few friends where I fielded one 10 model unit with blades and one 5 model unit with warspears. The first game...
The designers' commentary on the core rules from December last year has an example that is close. Q: Sometimes a dice roll will trigger an...
Hm... Now I'm tempted to grab the Dragon Mutant figure from Papo to try and make a conversion similar to this one to proxy with.
Shame that the only clarification for the Realmshaper Engine was that enemy units are free to garrison inside it. I had one pre-ordered at my...
Just noticed that Comet's Call seems to be missing from the During Hero Phase section for the Skink Oracle on Troglodon. The spell shows up if I...
Ah, damn. Guess it'll be one endless spell and Comet's Call then, but I can't really give the honor of the damage that one would inflict to the...
You're probably right that Arcane Vassal is the reason for its high price, and there's a fair chance it could do with a point cost reduction. It...
The Realmshaper Engine also gets a card.
While the default forum avatar images are pretty nice, I decided it was about time to get myself a more personal representation to display above...
Chessex is a company that produces dice, and as a company they are most likely summoned with money points. According to their website the rates...
That's always a possibility, and if so it will likely be short lived as you say. But we are talking about a model that is supposed to be tanky...
They're both saying the same thing; A naturally rolled 1 will fail, while a roll of 2-6 that is then reduced by modifiers to 1 will not.
If it makes it any easier to visualize, just imagine the save column in the table said "2+, ignore rend" rather than "1+" on the first line. Same...
Most likely this is a very poorly worded attempt to say that if you have more than once piece of special terrain included in your army, like the...
So coalesced dinos bravery now go as low as 5. How big of an impact is that going to have?
I'm betting saurus will indeed be two wounds now based on this rule alone. We're giving up LoSAT for this, so there is plenty of room for the...
So what can we learn from the Saurus Oldblood warscroll? He's getting more attacks and a better save Both celestial and demon keywords seem to...
Wow, Tearing Bite is quite powerful! Also, 12 move is going to break the game completely. I felt overpowered with 8 on my Untamed Beasts...