A couple of picks of the final heroes for the Silver Tower! Wife got to chose the colours for these, and i used the Mistweaver as a practise model...
Yay pictures are fixed! :D
[ATTACH] Sweet!
It doesn't matter wheter i edit a post or try to make a new post, I still get the same error messege when trying to upload a jpeg using the...
I can add that I have the same issue. I've even tried uploading pictures and i still get a general error messege when uploading: The following...
There are some decent bases there and I have been looking at similar. But they aren't quite what I'm looking for, so I guess this is just another...
@deer riffs The bases are quite simple to make, they are just some grey stuff (green stuff but... grey) from Gale Force 9 which i put a layer on...
I wouldn't know since i haven't paintedany saurus blue :p It is the same for me with yellow and skins though, so yeah it's the same in the end.
I agree that the eyes could use abit of depth. I did struggle with them abit, re-did them a couple of times but they were difficult since they...
Why thank you :happy: There really isn't a special trick here, after painting alot of creamy white you sorta get the hang of the proportions of...
Thanks guys! I really like the fire as well. I wanted to smack some extra colour on the minis and tzeentch magicness seemed perfect for that!...
I did not airbrush these since i didn't have one at that time. All i did was made sure the paint was watered down and smooth at all times. "two...
I actually painted a Tau force a long time ago with a similar paint scheme to the current GW one. I usually claim that they stole my paint scheme...
Holy smokes that gaming table is awesome :jawdrop:
10 Pics at a time apparently! I have also included the elf which my wife painted almost by herself!
So i guess it is time to ressurect this ol' thread again... The prize from last summers painting competition finally arrived! I had planned to...
I recently remembered that the prize never came and was about to post here saying it doesn't matter as I was never in it for the prize anyways....
Wow this was unexpected! Now i feel ashamed that I haven't found much time for painting lately. I better shape up! I must say that I am pretty...
Thanks for the kind words! I really did enjoy converting this one. I'd love to do more unique convertions if I can muster some inspiration into my...
Thank you all! It feels good to be back with the fantasy painting, the lizzies always were my favorite models to paint. I will be working on the...