I guess it's about time that I resurrect this paint blog! I have been into alot of 40k for some time now, as that is what my friends are all...
Phew, made the submission. It was a bit rushed but I definitely wouldn't have made it if the deadline wasn't extended. Lucky me :)
Holy smokes I only just discovered this painting competition! :eek: I'm off to the store on my way home today for some paint. Hopefully I can get...
I will try to get a game or two at the local store. I really wan't to see how the new point system turns out, it could be a really nice change...
I prefer the Stegadon with the Alpha on it too, with either weapon really. I see some potential in the Alpha buff on a skink unit as well, more...
I might be a bit late but I have to weigh in here. I recently took a new refreshing look at my old Lizardmen, or Seraphon as they now are called....
I must say that I was pretty excited with Age of Sigmar. I even think the gaming rules are pretty interesting. THe 4 pages don't bother me that...
As far as i have heard, people have dismissed this rumor as a 4chan troll or something. Apparently the word "nigmo", the name of the new O&G sub...
I'm slightly put off by the new rules IF they are true. It seems like a HUGE change game wise. On the other hand we are not squatted which is...
That's funny. I was just about to order some brushes myself, as my local arts 'n crafts store lacks abit in quality and pricing. Will probably...
I'm pretty excited about the round bases. From an aesthetic point of view i find rank and file models too clumpy and limits the amount of poses....
Damn that's a pretty sweet model. I was brain storming ideas for a lore of death lizardman wizard but I came up short. It's nice when you can make...
Figured there'd be a few questions about the conversion stuff. I'm quite pleased with the results myself, glad to see you are too ^^. This is...
It's been a while since I posted any painted lizzies. Thing is I barely have time between a new job and other stuff. I wanted to celebrate the End...
I read an Eavy Metal guide on painting eyes once... Let's see what i remember. They started off with painting the eye black. Then they added the...
The basing of the salamander unit is easily the best part! It's good to see some thought and time put into basing. Good work!
I wanted to do something similar but I've shelved that idea for now. Was thinking of using left over ruin bits from steg/basti kits etc to use as...
I have some extra work to do these days but i'll try and get this running soon!
Yeah that base was just an experiment and I agree with you n810 that the green bases fits better. I'll probably try a green base but still paint...
Yes, this is a proposal. Last contest had a 10 model max per entry. While I'm not quite sure why it seems legit to compare a smaller number of...