It's been a long time since I last made a post. I lost interest in my Lizards for a moment while I focused on my new Tau army which I've also used...
This topic pops up every once in a while with promises of later this year etc. The year is coming to an end and if we'r having another contest...
If you're going for bright colours like yellow and orange then I'd suggest that you start off base coating your models white. Those bright colours...
Dang, those are some nice conversions. Especially that unit filler portal looks bloody awesome!
When highlighting black I just use the mechanicus standard grey from GW. It highlights black pretty well without being too extreme. If you wanna...
From personal experience I'd say that your regular saurus and your beasts needs something in common. They don't have to be the same colour though,...
I personally like painting my own models so this idea isn't that appealing to me personally. Although having a really good looking slann is...
Hot dang, those look really good! very nifty work with the krox and the stegs heads looks kinda funny but i like it alot!
As N810 says blending your colours with some water will make then fade better which could improve the tail green/yellow overlap abit. Otherwise...
That chief is bloody mindblowing! Have you started on his stegadon mount yet? I also noted something. You say this is your final fourth skink...
There seems to be a problem with your pics or is it just me? They are not showing and neither are your older pics. What a tease since I love your...
I know some people have used Flesh Hounds of Khorne as a cheaper alternative to sallies. They're at 30 quid for a box of 5 hounds.
Mini comps sound really great but some sort of info in advance would be good though. Most things that i'd need or want to paint is more or less...
Some sweet painting there! I really like the orbs and their effect
With a new theme aswell! Maybe a saurus/krox theme, monster/dino theme or a Lords & heroes theme. Anything really! ... Bump
They look like finecast...
I agree! I'd love a lizardmen summer project to work on and I had great fun with the previous contest.
Welcome to the forums! Are you going with the original paint scheme or do you have your own scheme in the works?
What a simple, creative and superb idea and well executed too! Well done fellow cold blood.
The steg idea sounds pretty good. Maybe some sort of feathered cermonial garb, cape, headdress or similar accessory? They could represent...