They look gret so far. All you've done is cutting their head fin off and adding two horns/wings right? It's nice and simple which is good when...
Thanks for the kind replies. I actually painted a salamander some weeks ago but I never got around to get it photographed and posted. I'm not that...
I will take me the liberty of assigning the medals to the categories in the same order as they are posted. So I grab the silver one :bored:
Noob question warning... What is this signature thing?
Re: Pinktaco's pink paintlog Good to hear that carno is getting there. I admire your dedication to the templeguards though. Painting 30 straight...
I can tell you that the skinks from the new terradon/ripperdactyl (enterodactyl is the french word i guess :D ) are infact smaller than the normal...
Funny I've been thinking of doing the exact same thing. Just haven't gotten around to do it yet. Have also been thinking of a skink brave with...
That green moss thingy turned out really great! Can't wait for the entire army!
I am quite sure that skinks die of (not so) old age, and the same goes for all other monters and beasts. But I don't have the codex at hand so Im...
What worked? The contest worked! It was a great idea and I had alot of fun planning an painting a model to enter. What didn't work? Seemed to be...
While I haven't painted with an air brush before, I am quite sure that this was painted with one. Looking at the base it seems as if the sprayed...
Re: My 2½ month paint quest. Steg & bast = done, kroxigors n Really like the colour on that frog. He will really pop in your purple and yellow...
It's time for an update! First off is my entry for the skinkathalon, the converted magical standard of path finding! More details about it can be...
That tail on Gor'Rok looks really damn nice and I'm not even into the saurus. Dem fiancés always be crampin' our style man :mad: Well some...
Your painting is very nice and shows that you're experienced! The trog is also my favorite though I'm saving it until I got a functional 1k army....
Re: THE SKINKATHALON Some great skinks so far fellow coldblods! Here are my entires. Open category I finished this a couple of weeks ago. I'm...
Re: THE SKINKATHALON I use and it works very smooth. You just have to watch an ad while uploading.
I agree with Caprasauridae. The movement tray itself looks super good. Getting the bases of the figures up the same level would really make a...
Thank you and I'm glad you like them! The light reddish hue is actually the casandora yellow shade from citadel. Although it says yellow, the...
Re: My 2½ month paint quest. Steg & bast = done, kroxigors n They ain't so bad! The yellow patterns really make them fit together wich is nice...