That spear/javelin thing looks really good. I have a soft spot for the little skink buggers too, so i really love to see original skink...
Glad to see another edition to our ranks! It's so sad that no one greeted you before now but i have been very busy lately. Your paint scheme looks...
Too bad the pink skink got ditched! I too really like an original painting scheme and that pink skink looks gorgeous if you ask me.
It looks good so far and I always enjoy painting schemes that differ from the blue saurus of GW. What are your plans for the rest of the colours?...
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As promised here are the pics. Sorry about the horrible quality, I will try to find a way to get better photos in the future. [attach] [attach]...
Thanks for the kind words! Although I see myself as a novice still, I am very pleased with how everything has turned out so far. I just have a bad...
Re: Volcanic Lizardmen Painting blog (Bastiladon update 10/3 God that Bastiladon looks sweet. The pattern really turned out great! What's your...
So I'm working on a skink army, though I don't have much spare time to paint atm. I'm working on some back story but it's not done yet so all you...
hmm. Looks pretty good so far, like 80s Miami. Maybe a red wash might blend good with the pink. You might have to rehighligt the pink after that...
I personally love all skink lists and have been toying with one myself. One thing though that I just couldn't get myself to use points on is the...
The colour combination really works, they look really good imo. I might take some of those colours as inspiration for a Bastiladon or something if...
So I got a nostalgia hit when my good old army got updated so I had to live out my old boyish memories... leading me to this list! I'm complete...