My dabbling into starborne has always been a mixed bag of glorious godlike victories and utterly humiliating defeats. I eventually settled into...
so far I've been using them in paired six packs, but toe to tail screen style, absorb and counter punch only time I lost 3 models(almost 4 {18w})...
I'm a spears person as far as rules go i like to use any range advantage i can get typically. Subtle things like better choices for pile ins ,...
I have been taking 2 units of 6 and dual use them as hammer and/or screen, one unit of 6 is a massive 22" screen.20-30 warriors with spears. Old...
There are two thin gs to Two things to consider. Okay ? 1:Yes and 2:yes
So I ended up facing SOB in a strange twist 2 gate breakers, the king and a mob. My army Koatls claw Repel corruption Warlord:spell lore *gen....
So i have an outdoor summer saurus savagery battle coming up my opposition is starborne. Very strong possibility of kroak, trog and lots of...
So after much evaluation of what we can do now after new rules. I thought it might be good to touch on what other armies will be doing via new...
I've used it on terradon chief great movement to drop dracolith troops where you need them
CORE BATTALIONS *Warlord:spell lore - Constellation: Koatl's Claw ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS Chronomantic Cogs Malevolent Maelstrom LEADERS...
nimble warleader +sotec seems right if you want pure flying skink spam movement shenanigans
max monster you can squeeze 7 monsters, one of each type plus 4 steggs battle line. You are right though the better choice is to run 2 steg...
so if behemoths are capped at 3 per 2000pt , is this tempting enough to rethink thunder lizards stegadons role? it could be a monstrous advantage?...
Very happy to hear you are pro coalesced. I am a coalesced player and probably always will be. I am just curious as to how people who maybe don't...
Magic Season will coalesced participate or hibernate?
Yeah I was thinking weapon option two thinning the ranks pulling bodies second turn on but your probably right doesn’t mean I won’t try it lol thanks
Starborne :dracothion's Tail Core Battalion: Command Entourage: Spell Lores, Magnificent Core Battalion: Warlord: Spell Lores Slann...
Would it be a good or bad idea to drop 5 spawns of chotec 9" away from your enemy, if you could have a terradon chief with arcane tome making it a...