i was thinking to Skink Anansie, but Miley Saurus is way worse hahaha. Or for a more metal setting the band Slannyer with their famous song...
yep, i'm starting to agree aswell regarding the 0-3/0-3 thing. I still don't like it (because of skrox darts, not because of skirmishers), but...
Yep mate, in fact my frustration isn't directed towards the rules team or the ABC, just towards this kind of people. And i don't think it's a huge...
i'm not too angry because of this nerf, but this hostile behaviour around our army pisses me off. In T9A forum there are even players of other...
I knew it but i've never tried to learn how to use it, sadly! One day I'll learn and hopefully I'll have the chance to play with far fellows haha
if they fear deathstars that much why don't they write in the rulebook that you can't have more than, i don't know, two characters in a single...
if RT doesn't want more cavalry (deathstar risk, you-have-enough-redirectors) couldn't we drop the Crox for relic priests? Maybe they should be...
I'm seriously considering a list with no AHP nor guards, with good core infantry amounts (warriors bunker for skink high priest, skrox, a couple...
would it be too hard making handlers and beasts work in a similar way to mixed units, maybe giving a lesser look out sir (4+ or 5+) to the...
i hope they don't start the usual over nerfing process :rolleyes:
Regarding the skrox i was just telling that since you can't have more than 5 croxies that "5 or more croxisaurus" part should be corrected :D
urgh sorry, didn't notice the feedback threads :eek:
We know we're all going to spam our thoughts on the forum regarding our 9th armybook, so I'll start this plague hahaha. First of all, I have to...
not sure about what i do think: i don't like the idea of this last minute revolution which could mess things up for sure, but units seem fine at...
i like these disciplines! Personally i'm not sold on the you-can't-cambinate-these-things approach but i understand that some combos could be OP....
nice add, if poisoned!
omg that standard... so cool and fluffy! Not traditional LM fluff, but definetly a great add! Nice idea regarding the plaque and the sabre seems...
We have many issues here but I don't want to derail this topic so I'll just tell you, my fellow, that Italy is a great country... for holidays....
@Pinktaco I'm Italian (sadly) @spawning of Bob wow... i didn't consider that risk :D
thanks guys, but I still have to work hard to improve this language (and not only this in particular) since I'd like to leave my country some day :D