Since the day I've joined this fantastic forum I've often thought that some users, in some moments, deserve a beer (or a Itxi grub, or something)....
we all hope the same haha I really hope they change razors, sallyes and rippers though, the last time i checked their rules they were a bit...
Yeah, NOW i'm really interested in slanns! If the "no-5th-level" thing is a general rule for every army i have to say that i agree: max lv 4th in...
i'm very curious about the Slann and i think that a kroxy hero is a nice add (even if i was hoping for relic priests), but i'm interested in the...
well, we have a miniature ready for relic priests... ;)
interesting <.<
@Pinktaco : sorry for the casual tag, but i'd love to hear your voice in this topic since you're our vassal for the near future and since this is...
steg spear, lost sun staff, burning blade of chotec, the 7th reflecting shield, bane head, cupped hands, skavenpelt, cloak of feathers, piranha...
Since 7th armybook i've felt like we have too many special choices excluding each other. 8th edition made things worse and i was hoping 9th age...
i voted for relic priests (yes please) and kroxi hero. I don't think we need a lord level caster skink IF slanns become better OR cheaper....
i've never tried KoW2 (yet) so please could you explain what is superior, according to your point of view, about tactical depth if compared to WH?
I want to try it out, but the "no flee" thing annoys me a bit
I'd love to keep the mayan/axtech feeling of our army as well as the dinosaur/reptile one. The combo of the two made me pick our army, so I'd love...
i'm interested but i don't like what i'm seeing so far about these fanmade systems. I'm gonna try both AoS and KoW2 aswell as these post-8th...
according to the way you spelled "gor-roCk" i was expecting something like an electric guitar in place of his mace, or drumsticks in his hands...
Anyone has a LM 5th edition armybook pdf?
lol I was translating, then i noticed that you didn't need it anymore
i will, i'll just need some time because of my job :rolleyes:
IMO if we really wanted to have a balanced game we should reset both the core rules and all the armies and think: - which armies should have some...
i'm italian, i could translate it if you want. I have to say that coming from 8th edition our army definetely doesn't need a nerf, so if they're...