well, they probably looked like blot toads (or smelled like blot toads...)
hehehey, i'm back. Did Cripple-cripple acted good?
Firstly, goodmorning everyone (it's morning here). I'm leaving for family issues and i'm not going to have internet at my disposal for 3-4 days...
where can i download KoW1 rules? It seems mantic has removed them, but i'd like to give them a read before v2 comes out o_O
on the other hand, vanilla skinks have their uses. Chamos are better, but still...
ok, i'm reading our warscroll and core rules. We DO need a way to balance armies for sure, BUT imo this game has potential, even if i'm going to...
nice rules for our army IMO: Kroak sounds funny aswell as the battle standard, saurus warriors, temple guards, chamos, flyers, kroxigors, EotG,...
What about a 4+ "Look out Sir!" for kroxigors? Imagine: overprotective skinks who die for their big simple minded brothers. And if all skinks get...
+1 for @NIGHTBRINGER I voted skinks because i think this is, in general, a better choice. According to your last post, though, i have to say...
I'd put Tetto in a skirmisher unit: more mobility and you don't have to put him in your main block risking to watch him die exactly when you were...
The rumour regarding LM slaves for skaven is just stupid IMO. First of all i still think GW won't squat/merge LM since they are one of the most...
well, actually according to BRB you cannot shoot at units in CC, so it's the same issue even if we're talking about a shooting attack and two DDs....
You all know my opinion, usually i'm not a self-regarding guy but i think i did some very good points in the kroakbombing thread. Definetely A for...
if the ASF thing is true i can see halberds deposing great weapons from the role of best option for saurus heroes. Without a nerf on cannons,...
Some good news for us, but some are bad. For example n°6 spells allowing ward saves: HElves cannot be dwellered anymore, i guess, and we'll have...
@Scalenex a flying vassal should be enough, but fly is not for movement: the purpose is to put the skinks in the middle of enemy army, and...
I don't understand how "all" vs "the ones not engaged" (aka "some of") is not a contradiction. Engaged enemy units are still enemy units, and the...
Well, i don't agree. Don't hate me please (please don't do it :(), but on page 31 i read the following things in the general spell description:...
Yes, and same with EotG. If an opponent doesn't agree i just pick a different list, just make sure to discuss the rule before the game and to have...