Hi spawnmates! I was reading again the BRB spells and when i've read the heavens n°3 i realized that since you can't reroll a reroll it would...
Epic as always :smug:
Haha Bob, i was listening to the Turisas version right now!
unless enemies have cannons :( Having a flying vassal i'd take a steg aswell, or kroxigors since i'm starting to like them more than stegs, but i...
I don't know if i'm going blind or if my avatar looks a bit out of focus. IF i'm not becoming blind i'd appreciate a fix :D
I don't think Kroak would shine against WoC, but if you field him put an oldblood with fencer's blades and glittering scales in his unit and teach...
My 2 cents: -take a mounted scar vet with Armor of destiny and great weapon. I'd put the oldblood on a cold one aswell, with light armor, 4++ and...
Hi guys, i was wondering how many of my reptilian fellows has tried this game and which edition, because i'd like to try it and i need some...
my tactic is a bit different: i try to swap spells with the lores which have a hex or a buff as a signature, because i feel like i only need these...
Well, he probably needs some ispiration :) He usually draws his spawnmates using ideas he had reading their names or some strange post they wrote,...
I know we have good points for both the interpretations, but IMO Vetock didn't mean to slow the game forcing players to roll the attacks of the...
well, the trick with focus is casting the less useful spells first! Your opponent will probably let them go and you'll be able to swap them....
Cool work, even if i'm gonna miss the old fat slann in the background and the dark screen teaching me news and tactics during the night :( edit:...
thank you man :D
where did you find it?
I don't think moving marked units from core to special or from special to rare would be right, because we'd already pay the price in points. I...
I'm starting to prefer kroxigors over stegadons, but i prefer using them as "hammers", not as big and pricey units even if i have to admit i'd...
LM will not be squatted, still we can imagine to reimagine LM :) I think a whole planet would feel a bit too much, we should have tons of units...
Re: What are our best warmachine hunters in big games (3000p I would not include rippers' frenzy in their weaknesses: they can dodge the problem...
Very good fluff, just two things: -"WARM blood"? No no no :D -ritual fights between saurus heroes shouldn't be deadly according to the...