OR go for many small spells instead of few big ones
I'd go for extra hand weapons on chiefs - and a BSB with skavenpelt
nah, it's not cheating if you didn't mean to cheat haha
Actually he couldn't use kadon, but i agree solo slann was better with the last book
Remember that fluffwise the old Mazda is dead, so if i were in you i'd wait to see what happens before starting this kind of conversion
I started playing in 8th edition with 7th armybook (i used to love that book), but i have read 5th and 6th armybooks aswell, and even if i didn't...
Haha you're right, that card is so good! back on topic, i have to say i've always underhestimated SoS before reading this topic, but if khaine...
oh hell. I misunderstood this thing for the whole time! Do you mean that you can field up to 50% lords AND 50% heroes? My god. Just ignore all my...
your units with all the possible upgrades should be around 400 points if i'm right, so if the total is 1000 you have too many points on heroes and...
sorry pink, but you forgot a rule: 3 units minimum o_O The cheapest 1000p list i was able to build is the following: 2 oldbloods on foot...
i still hope slanns are not gone. We can just wait and see
2- chaos dwarfs, my second army: they're dwarves, and they're bad. But not the classic stupid and straight bad guys: they are pretty smart, in...
"hello It's" is just wonderful. We really should start calling abominations this way! Some advices: if you can destroy his warmachines do it,...
yeah haha
probably i'm on the wrong road, but if i'm correct old cold ones models were called "cows" by the community. Maybe this and the fact that cowboys...
Once you start collecting an army, loosing and winning side by side with your models, reading and inventing fluff.. you start loving it :D and...
i ended up playing chaos dwarves :D
Overall, HE are more powerful than lizardmen, but our army is not too weak to compete. HE have more powerful casters if you mean raw casting...
50/50 Standard mounts (ie cold ones) die when their rider loses his wound(s), ridden monsters (ie carnosaurs) and their riders do not share their...
if khaine magic stays - and slanns aswell - LM will have a huge buff. Even more if the casting reroll for loremaster will work on the roll for the...