combined elfs are probably the most overpowered thing ever seen in 8th edition, so i don't see the problem with khaine magic o_O Anyway i'm...
some weeks (or months) ago i posted my idea of spawnings, i don't remember where. The "strange" thing was the following: while the standard troops...
i really hope you're right about the old ones: it would be the only thing that could pay for the slann departure, at least for me.
i feel quite sad for kroak, but if we'll have relic priests - and if they have nice fluff and rules - i'll be ok
So, now lizards are in bubbles with their spawning pools. these bubbles would probably be the thing that is most similar to the pre-chaos world......
hey mate, calm down. Many of us, me in primis, fear a lizard departure and/or (too) big changes in our army. But all these theories are built on...
the sad thing is we're probably going to see a "9th edition wh total war"
oh yeah, Rikard on the miniatures, the whole forum on the rules. That would be epic. I'm almost hoping GW really squats us: at least our army...
my first reaction was "WTF?!", but then i realized this is pur genius. Shakashhhhhh
haha, that would be nice
yeah, they're so weak that skavens kill them while they rest. Every thing i read is worse then the previous o_O Let's wait and see, tho
so the older faction, the one with the best wizards in the world... has no incarnates. But dwarfs have one. This, my dear GW, is a background rape
Really bad news. If this happens it would be great to make a "rule task force" to have "the official unofficial final warhammer edition", which...
one more reason which makes me prefer wandering slanns now: now FoM slanns are a wonderful way to make you have long discussions with your...
CDs are my second army. Some general tips: don't buy flaming attacks, buy flaming protection, don't take monsters, field WM hunters (flyers,...
well, since loremaster of hoeth got all the full brb lores with ETK i think wandering slanns are going to follow the same rules. And i think WD...
i had some friends playing WH, and i went with them in a shop which sells lots of nice stuff, some GW's aswell. There i fell in love with an...
woooow, lizards' got bombers :D