Grovel before your new Master. Great work on a fun comp, folks! Despite Bob's handwringing, this is only my 2nd win after about 3 years of...
Maybe we as a forum should organise a collaborative story system. We each take it in turns to write one chapter of an ongoing narrative set in...
Thank you for reading and resurrecting this silly old thing. To be clear, "flowing" is not what words usually do to me. Longform prose is always...
I was still holding out for dozens of newcomers showing up and all voting for me! It could happen! But I don't mind if it doesn't because the...
Truly delicious work, everyone! This is another literary feast that has finally sated my soul's hunger for lizard fic, of which I have been...
This is great! Cool idea for a story! Moar moar moar! (also please enter the short story competition!)
All this time dealing with Scolonex, constantly on edge, wary at the sound of snapping bamboo branches, and I never realised... HIS PICTURE IS A...
This is so good! MOAR!!!
I got rejected too. Re-reading my submission now, I can see why. My extract was rushed and quite generic. Still, I think the final story would...
Splashing of Spawning Well this is just straightforward. I mean, if anything it's the saddest of the bunch, since the author clearly wants to...
Greetings all. What a wondrous day to gather at yet another story competition, the gift that keeps on giving. And this time with extra bob, who...
Can I just say that the comprehensiveness of this cataloguing of ancient lore is truly a joy for my weary old heart. It is so satisfying to see...
Great stuff and very well written! Could I encourage you to write a story set in this setting? Would love to see some of the other characters and...
Glad to see there is interest in 9th age background. It hasn't been completed yet, but when it is, it will be very cool I believe. Saurians in...
REJOICE! And lo, in the time of great sadness, when the story competitions were undersubscribed and the art comps long forgotten - as the priests...
Interesting. I don't do any of that before I write stories. Mainly because my stories are quite short, and I see no need for a wider universe...
I thought I'd leave my comments til the last minute since I finally have a job and I'm much busier than before I wanted to build anticipation. I...
Thanks so much to anyone who's actually read this all (I think there's 3 of you?) and sorry for inflicting such a long story! It's been fun going...
Final Chapter Watched by priest and daemon alike, Oxyotl moved from the palanquin of Lord Kroak to the crumpled body of Huini. He knelt down and...
On the ground above, Latz stood at the front of the meagre battalion of skink refugees they had assembled before the temple doors. With all the...