In the echoing silence of the cavern floor, Maleroth looked up, wide-eyed. “I...I did it! Ha! The defences are down! The last city of Lustria is...
Have....have you created the warhammer version of Discworld? This is really really great fluff - amazing stuff!
Night settled over Xlanzec. It made no difference to those inside - the dome overhead remained the same shade of impenetrable white. It certainly...
Oxyotl walked out into the empty Amaxon village. Finding no one, he returned to the large palm roof held on stilts. He considered the shrine...
If Huini had ever been to a living temple city before, he might have thought Xlanzec was a little meagre. It didn’t even have a proper temple....
The Lustrian Demolition Council had established a temporary meeting venue on the Culchan Plains. As the theatre of war had been pushed to the...
He remembered fire, coursing through every part of his body, scourging and exposing every weakness. He remembered the high air that stung as it...
Announcing the return! Part Two of [ATTACH] [ATTACH] -or- "Look Ma, No Slanns" They came from the north. That’s where the gate had...
It appears you've written two of the entries as well... Good work everyone and big congrats to wolfy for his great story! I still think it's not...
Yeah there's definitely a lot here that went over my head....what with me not knowing anything about AoS and all....
Other than the lack of lizards, total genius. MOAR!
A superb round of stories, well done everyone! One idea for improvement that I think can be offered to most of these entries is to give greater...
Looking forward to a read, despite the suspicious activities on the part of the organiser who seems to be shuffling and moaning about eating...
So perfect. Some of us on L-O should find a "lying on a rock in the sun" Festival to meet up at.
For the entire duration of his brief life, Huini had known mottled colours. His world was one of permanent twilight, where the light of day was...
“Swifter! Time is of the essence!” Huini heard the cry from further up the line. The priest, Kertaz, was not versed in the subtler forms of...
Latz cocked his head as he listened to the telepathic scanner, a little stone device designed to be worn around the head, used to communicate...
Oxyotl held his breath. Soon he realised he hadn’t really been breathing in the first place. It was all so different here. Ash, hanging in the...
In the highest and holiest sanctum of the great pyramid of the Old Ones at the centre of Itza, the Lustrian Demolition Council (LDC) was in...
Huini’s heart was pounding. If he looked down he could even see the strange splotch of white scales on his chest pulsing visibly. The white...