I can't see the new images?
I'm I'm using some acrylic paints I forget the brand but it's not GW or Valjello. I'm using a plastic pallet what's a wet pallette?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] I'm not super satisfied with this guy but this is my converted skink starpriest Loqatec . Any tips are welcome! Unfortunately...
My problem with the female Stormcast is that she's not stormcast not that she's female. There's still a bunch of other armies that need units or...
I have feeling trying to get a cat to pull anything would be a massive pain in the ass but that sounds pretty cool. Do we want them to feel like a...
We've got no behemoths so far?
Where'd you get the patterned stone for the base?
Will draw (badly) for food! I might be able to do an okay reptile here and there
No pictures here too
Cold ones secrete poison from their skin ala poison dart frog style. Dark Elves have to build up a resistance to them and usually lose all sense...
Thanks a lot! I'm trying to do something similar for my units
Where did you find the translations for High Saurian
If I'm being honest the main reason I'm playing the Troglodon is because I think the model looks really cool. I've heard that chameleon skinks are...
Haven't played it yet but wanted the advice of more battle hardened generals. Is there any specific tips or maneuvers that I should be aware of...
leader scar vet on carnosaur Skink star priest Scar vet on cold one Battleline 5x Saurus knights 5x Saurus knights 5x Saurus knights 10x...
I'm new to this so tell me if this is horribly broken or formatted wrong but here's an idea for a unit. Hadrosaur dude wounds 8 move 7 bravery 10....
Which carnosaur model is that?
Is that not what everyone does normally?
The first picture looks like a dewback from Star Wars. Also that engine of the gods is awesome
Hey guys I've been a longtime fan of warhammer but only recently started it. My first exposure was in a game store seeing a box of Saurus knights...