No. This could work, but it's hard to say whether or not it'd be optimal without seeing the rest of his list. If he waves the monks, he can...
KO was mentioned as part of the cities of sigmar release, or at least, gunhaulers were mentioned, and I don't think they'd mention anything that...
I think it's too match up dependent to run at a tournament. Shooty Skaven will probably just wreck any guard list, and any high power...
I don't think this works with true line of sight, since there are gaps between the models they can see through.
I think this would be better with 3 oldblood carnos and 1 scar vet carno (just for the battalion), or all oldblood carnos and a cold one scar vet....
Every wizard in your army can roll or choose a spell from the list. The rules only limit casting of spells to 1 wizard per turn. Tzeentch armies...
You can still give it a spell. You just can't cast the same spell multiple times. There's nothing preventing multiple wizards from having the same...
Summoning is exactly the same as before. The main change to allegiance abilities is that there's no more roll for the teleport (it's still in the...
Hah, you haven't played the 10 CP on average at turn 2 list I see. Aetherquartz brooch is strong. There's plenty of ways to stack/farm CPs...
Eh, debatable. Not everyone plays narrative games. for pick up games, it ruins the fun for the casual players more than the powergamers when...
Pretty sure that was squigs.
Well that doesn't bode particularly well. Probably because they want people to buy newer models, because there are more seraphon models in...
Idk, 12-16 razordons and a shadowstrike with a slann and astrolith has a shot against just about anything if you play it right. Aside from that or...
I'd bring another 20 more skinks or 3 razordons instead of the starpriest and balewind. You need more pressure or screening in your army to start...
Cham skinks are pretty bad right now. They're too many points for 1 wound models, even with a 3+ save, and they don't have enough output compared...
Allegiance: Seraphon Mortal Realm: Ulgu Slann Starmaster (260) - General - Trait: Vast Intellect or Great Rememberer - Artefact: Talisman of the...
This. I'd like to see Saurus warriors either drop 20 points base and lose the horde discount (puts them more in line with chainrasps, which have a...
I wouldn't do this with kroak though; Spell Portal effectively lets you cast his spell from ~20" away to pump out mortal wounds over almost the...
I'd go with 10 knights over the Saurus; they're better when there's no horde bonus, which 20 saurus probably won't be getting, but otherwise...
That's with re-rolls to hit and the horde bonuses.