Cool! Do you know if minis which have original GW model can be posted as conversions? I mean, do they need original GW skink priest or could it...
Sorry! I always thought of them as of skinks. PS Scolenex is quick in finding pandas
Haha, I knew that this name reminds me of something, but couldn't find what it was! Three more to read, you will see my votes on friday
Skink in hockey mask? I thought Slanns are wearing those?
Wooo-hooo! Now I will have something to do while commuting to work. But probably I'll read everything tomorrow :D
It's someohow exciting, watching how people rush to end their stories :D
Thanks I like the halloween version more than original, probably it's stays untill christmas :)
Maybe you could make me halloween and christmas version of my avatar?
Am I only one who doesn't like the idea? Bows are for me the weapon of the old world (I mean Europe, Asia, Africa). I know that indians use bows...
I think that both hockey masks are in fact the same hockey mask. Probably this:
I think they will leave everything in warscrolls so we could use old models, but they will add new things and make them present in fluff.
Hello. I think that you will quickly discover that this is one of the nicest forum in the Internet. Not everyone likes AoS but it looks to me that...
I like your idea @skink chief. It would be very fun but because of randomness of attacks on every monster it would not be good in competitive part...
Hello fellow lizard! So you started to play AoS or 8th?
It may be giant dinosaur which can't get his feet up to high because of not so ordinary knees. I never liked predatory roar but I may like model...
I don't pay AOS either, but I'm curious about its fluff. I have to say "cool story bro" :-)
Does magic bacon taste like unicorn meat or rather like unicorn poop?...
Every game with bipedal lizards is great, so don't worry about this :D cough*9th4life*cough
I thought it'll be hard to talk by this haiku But it is not... ...But it is easy.
Great idea! I was about to propose something like that because it was sometimes a bit messy. Keep up the good work!